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Principles of Clarity with Karen Dobkins

Principles of Clarity Workshop with Karen Dobkins, PhD

Saturday, September 30 & Sunday, October 1, 2017

Principles of Clarity (POC) is a 2-day workshop that focuses on improving your relationship with yourself and others, and is based on principles from Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Cognitive Therapy (as well as Buddhism and Neuroscience).

karen dobkins - mindfulness
karen dobkins - mindfulness

The focus is on how to live a life where our actions are aligned with our core values, get straight to the heart of a matter, identify the issues, discriminate between real threats vs. the “stories” we tell ourselves, move away from “shoulds”, take responsibility for our choices, not go into “victim mentality”, communicate needs effectively, bring love, mindfulness and compassion to all situations, and live wholeheartedly, without apology.

The interactive and playful workshop starts out with a lecture on Mindfulness and Mental Well- being, followed by sections covering different topics about your relationship with yourself and others. Each section starts with the instructor giving a short lecture on the topic, followed by group discussion and exercises. The exercises include private reflection/writing, round table discussion, didactic one-on-one communication with the instructor, and pairing up to practice. By sharing the “stories” we have created for ourselves and others, the goal of the workshop is to challenge/debunk/defuse the limiting thought patterns that do not serve us.

POC Workshop Topics Include:

  • How do you Talk/Think about Yourself?

  • Accepting All of You: the Good, Bad and the Ugly

  • Manifesting What you Want, while Tackling Worry, Doubt and Fear

  • Practicing Emotional Resilience and Mindfulness

  • How do you Talk/Think about Others?

  • Working it Out with Others

    The POC workshop was created and is led by Dr. Karen Dobkins, who got her PhD in Neurosciences and is now a professor in the Psychology Department at UC San Diego. Although her main area of research study has been brain development in children, her most recent research passion is in the area of mindfulness and mental well-being. Outside the world of research, she enjoys blending Mindfulness with her expertise in Psychology/Neuroscience to create workshops and environments aimed at improving well-being. She loves to give inspirational talks, including two Tedx talks “The Space between Kansas and Oz” and “If Passion

    Weren’t Scary it wouldn’t be Passion”. Since 2014, Dr. Dobkins has been leading this workshop in the USA, as well as in Asia: Hong Kong (through CUHK and HKU), Beijing (Tsinghua University) and Tokyo (Chuo University and Hitachi, Inc.).


Dates: Saturday, Sept 30th and Sunday, October 1st (two separate days)
Time: 9 am – 5 pm (although we might end a bit earlier on one or both days)


Ocean-view home of Dr. Karen Dobkins, La Jolla (address to be provided later)

Registration Fee:

Payable to Karen Dobkins
Through check or paypal (account:

Lunch and Refreshments:

  • Each participant will bring their own packed lunch on both days

  • Light, healthy snacks and drinks will be provided

    Maximum of 20 people Minimum of 15 people

    Karen Dobkins: 619-846-8152 or