“Karen coaxes us toward change while remaining nonjudgmental, leading us to explore ourselves in unexpected ways. She is genuine and authentic and has an ever present sense of humor! ”
“Principles of Clarity challenged me to take a deeper look inside of myself and allowed me a safe space to do so. This course was eye opening and life-changing. It was just the kick in the butt my heart needed.”
“In Principles of Clarity, we laughed together, cried together, shared our stories, and challenged the beliefs we held onto that were holding us back. This is truly a course that teaches you invaluable life skills to help on the journey of life and the ever-bumpy road of becoming the best version of yourself.”
“Karen was truly instrumental in “throwing me a survivor rope” to help me climb out of a long dark hole that had been going on for years due to years of tremendous loss. I was feeling hopeless and not sure I would allow myself to see sunshine again. Her caring, genuine ways and spot on insight is not a common asset. With Karen’s support and gentle guidance, my life is different today than it was before I attended Principles of Clarity.”
“This course changed my life. I’ve always struggled with mental health and had never heard of mindfulness. Karen’s perspective and questioning of how we saw the world really made me think about my thought patterns and my reactions to issues. It gave me very valuable tools for coping with depression, anxiety, and conflict in a new way.”
“Principles of Clarity feels like a breath of fresh air. It is the course that taught me to breathe, acknowledge my feelings, take a step back, and remember that everyone around me has similar struggles. It challenged me to change my typical ways of thinking and expand my mind with new ideas about how to go about my day to day life.”